Friday, May 14, 2010

Sincere's Celibacy Chronicles Vol. 4: It's Impolite to Stare

So I'm at least shin deep into this celibacy thing, and for the record I would like to state that I'm doing very well with it (just in case you were thinking my journey was over). At the very least it makes life surprisingly interesting. Since making the decision to shun sex and pretty much anything related to it, the temptation to mount the next man I see has subsided a bit. The thought-provoking images, and ideas however have more than multiplied. Not long ago said sexual thought-provoking images and ideas were normal. Normal in the sense that anyone, male or female, dog or cat, could possibly be sexually aroused or at least thinking about having sex in the face of these particular situations. Here are some normal examples of situations that can be sexually arousing to just about anyone: watching someone workout or jog, watching TV (let's face it, it's littered with sexually tense situations). Here is a not so normal example: catching a glimpse of a man scratching his balls. I know, it's sick! This all too familiar, repulsive, homer-like behavior is so gross and rude. It has to be in the top five things that all men do that women can't stand, and yet yesterday, I caught a glimpse of a man doing it in public and felt giddy and overly anxious. A rush of excitement ran through my body as if he were doing it exclusively for my viewing pleasure. Before I could even understand what was happening to me, that glimpse became an unashamed look, and in an instant a bold stare. The man of course was totally oblivious to the fact that I was watching him at all as he was carrying on a conversation with someone else and completely engrossed in the activity he had going on (clearly, as was I). It took all of the will power and manners I had not to walk over to him and politely say, excuse me, would you like some help with that?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A little Known Fact

I learned something rather enlightening and infuriating in a conversation with my ex-husband about two weeks ago. We were discussing the current state of our lives and what we both want for ourselves moving forward. He professed how he never plans to remarry, and I beamed about how I most definitely plan to remarry and have the family that I always wanted. The conversation was going smoothly, it was almost refreshing and hopeful. I was beginning to feel like we'd turned the corner and that maybe, just maybe we could be friends after all that we've gone through together. There have been a few times before when I would get this same exact feeling and without fail something would happen to change everything. Unfortunately this time was no different than the last few times. It all came undone with this statement that casually rolled off of my ex's tongue without so much as a bat of an eyelash. "What you don't know is I tried to get you pregnant twice." He said it so proudly, and although I wasn't looking at him when he made that ridiculous remark, I am almost sure I heard a smile in his voice. If pissivity had a language it was written all over my face. I can't think of anything more dispicable, and disgusting. What kind of a person does something like that? When I think of how life could be so much more complicated right now if he had succeeded with even one of those attempts it makes me very grateful for one's right to divorce. The more I find out about my ex, the more validated my decision to end our marriage becomes (as if I didn't have reason enough already). The moral of this story is be careful ladies; it's a little known fact, but men try to create baby traps too.