Generally speaking size matters in the south. Bigger means better, so EVERYTHING is bigger. Land, cars, portion sizes at restaurants, hair, smiles, waistlines, and most importantly, asses. Southern people are the original creators of big booties. You're born with it, so usually we take it for granted. I know I did. I never even acknowledged how nice an ass I had until it was gone. Yes my good people, according to some pretty well acquainted sources, my big ass is no more. So I'm on a mission to get my booty back. I tried not to let it bother me. I'm an intelligent, pretty, funny girl with a great personality, I don't need a big ass, I told myself. I blamed it on the fact that some of my jeans fit bigger now since I've lost weight, but to no avail. I have to just face the facts. I don't know exactly when it happened. It was a gradual process I suppose. When I moved to NYC I still had it, but I guess somewhere between those three blocks I walked to the train daily, my visits to the gym three times a week, and my all organic diet, it just deflated. Good health = *nassatall. I'm exaggerating a little, I still have a nice little booty, but my curves are much softer than they used to be, from the back anyway.
Now it's like the fat from my ass went its separate ways and settled on my hips. Is this the beginning of the aging process? Can this be fixed, or am I just assed out? Come back booty! Come back! Life just isn't as much fun without you. I'm not going to pretend like I don't notice how men check me when I'm walking down the block. After your face checks out, every man's natural instinct is to check you out from the back. Whether I'm interested in him or not, I like knowing that everything is on the up and up. Who doesn't like being admired? I digress. I seriously don't know what to do. I tried to entice it with pasta, biscuits, pancakes. I've seen a little improvement in bounce, but not too much in the way of size. However, there is a very delicate balance here that must be maintained. I don't want to go from nassatall to **bootydo. The only thing worse than nassatall is bootydo (so not sexy). I'm sure you get the severity of this situation, so any suggestions are welcome, but please no built-in booty panties. The bottom line is, this ass needs to be authentic.
*nassatall- no ass at all
**bootydo- your stomach sticks out further than your booty do.
Feral City
2 years ago
thankfully, my hips are still slender but my ass is slowly starting to slide down my thighs... It's a depressing sight. I'm terrified to pour myself into riding jodhpurs for the fact that I know my backside doesn't look as pert as it used to. Time to start doing the Beyonce work-out! And you're right! they do love big booty's in the south! I'm definitely busty, but i get more comments about my butt than anything else. lol.