Friday, February 26, 2010

No. 2

Disclaimer: Every once in a while, If I can, I like to give some practical advice to my female readers that they may be able to use in their everyday lives. This is one of those posts.

Traveling with a guy for the first time can be exhausting. My ex-husband and I didn't have a honeymoon (how ironic), but I have been on mini-weekend, road trips with men that I have dated. The first time I took such a trip I was dating this guy that was so sexy I needed a change of underwear whenever I was around him. A woman can never be her total and complete self around a man who is sexier than she is. Consequently I was always on my toes trying to impress him. I had to be flawless at all times. So when he called and invited me to take this weekend trip with him, I was siked! I bought new outfits, new lingerie, I got my hair done, mani/pedi, brazilian wax, I even bought a new piece of luggage. I was ready. The night before I anticipated every situation that could possibly happen while we were away together and how I would handle it. No matter what I would not get my hair wet. I had to wake up before he did, so that I could brush my teeth, get the crust out of my eyes, and brush my hair before he woke up. And I wouldn't drink too much. I had all of my bases covered. Except for one, what if I had to go no. 2?

I would have to at some point during the weekend. I thought of everything from not eating, to secretly booking my own room; nothing seemed reasonable or sensible. I just won't go, I thought. There was no way on God's green earth that I was going to take the risk of Super Sexy walking into the bathroom after me and breathing my post-poop air. I didn't even want him to know that I did that. He was so beautiful, and his di@k was so perfect, you can't hop out of bed with a man like that and go take a dump. I nixed the idea of not going, and decided I just had to figure something out. This may have been the first time I'd encountered this type of situation, but it would not be the last. After wrecking my brain for the entire ride down to North Carolina, it came to me. Most people poop on average once a day, twice if you're really healthy. I would just do no. 2 when I went to the bathroom to take a shower. Ladies, take note. You turn the water on as soon as you go into the bathroom (after you lock the door), do your business, and than take a shower. Your boo has no idea that you're doing anything other than showering, and even if you spray he won't here it over the sound of the water. By the time you get out, the smell is completely gone, and you are daisy fresh. If you're lucky you'll get a little face-time afterwards. Never underestimate the power of a shower. Happy Friday!

Sincere Lee

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